A lehető legjobb termelékenység elérése érdekében fontos, hogy a részlépések automatizálhatók, a mérések pedig automatikusan feldolgozhatók legyenek. A Smart Factory Assembly különféle lehetőségeket kínál a mérőműszerek és vezérlők automatikus vezérlésére.
Az automatikus mérés és vezérlés előnyei:
- Gátló tényezőktől mentes termelékenység
- A lehető legkevesebb számú hiba
- Minden adat adatbázisban való tárolása
Possibilities for measuring or checking:
Weighing systems
Measuring the weight can be helpful in a production in different steps. Whether weighing the package contents at the end of a line to ensure that nothing has been forgotten or to verify the number of screws to be used. We would be pleased to help you with the design of such systems.
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Electrical tests
Electrical components are subjected to a functional test at the end of production. In some cases, it is necessary to measure whether current is running through the cables. With a test program, this process can also be automated and controlled by the control system. We would be pleased to advise you on the configuration of tests in this area.
Contact us for further information
Identification Systems
For certain products it may be useful to identify employees who manufacture the product. For example, if a training course has to be compared (welding, screwing, etc.) or certain checks have to be made with a 4-eyes principle. With an identification system, these parameters are checked and stored.
Contact us for further information
You already have test systems
If you already have test equipment in use, we will be happy to clarify for you whether we can couple the existing equipment with the system. Please contact us for a non-binding clarification of the possibilities.
Contact us for further information